All our legal stuff in one easy to find place

Privacy Policy

We value your privacy. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully before using our website as this policy contains important information regarding your privacy and how we may use the information we collect about you.
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Terms of Service

Please read this Terms of Service carefully before using our website as this policy contains important information regarding limitations of our liability.
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Cookie Policy

Please read this Cookie Policy carefully before using our website as this policy contains important information regarding our use of cookies and other tracking technologies, your privacy and how we may use the information that we collect.
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Please read this Disclaimer carefully before using our website as this policy contains important information regarding limitations of our liability.
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Returns / Refunds

Please read our Return / Refund policy carefully before purchasing from our website as this policy contains important information regarding your ability to request a return or refund.
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Photo / Video Release

Please read our Photo / Video Release carefully as this policy contains important information regarding the use of any still photograph, audio or video recording.
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MicronMapper Application